We have a global view of the market and work in scientific research, planting, extraction and commercialization of Cannabis derivatives, including CBD and THC for humans and the Pet segment.

The project, supported by three phases, ranges from planting with seeds selected for each type of need and customer profile, through the extraction phase in state-of-the-art laboratories, handling for different purposes (inhalable, ingestible and others), to marketing through service orders and digital E-Commerce platform aimed at the international market, focusing on countries where the sale of different products is allowed.

The products are 100% organic and their raw materials are reused for the weaving industry and for the preservation of the Environment, with the company Bloom Genetics Lab, with all the certifications that are necessary for the export market for quality products.

Bloom Genetics bases its conduct on the company’s relations with all interested parties and provides behavioral guidelines that it deems appropriate from a moral and ethical point of view, which can guide actions and relationships in the exercise of its activities, in order to achieve standards of professional conduct and increasingly higher behaviors.


Acting in the health and wellness segment, through the cultivation, extraction, industrialization and commercialization of Cannabis derivatives, including CBD and THC for human beings and the Pet segment.


To be a reference company in our field of activity, recognized as the best option by clients and professionals, community and suppliers, due to the quality of our relationship and commitment to the continuous improvement of processes.


Shared innovation, commitment and responsibility reflect the corporate culture that defines the BLOOM GENETICS family and unites us as a company.

The Human Resources department at BLOOM GENETICS is responsible for managing internal relationships and developing the company’s human capital. It is this sector that leads the different talents of the corporation in a favorable way so that it is possible to reach all the programmed objectives and, simultaneously, promote personal growth.

By hiring and retaining real talent in the corporation, BLOOM GENETICS ends up helping, indirectly, in reducing layoff costs, creating a solid culture of retaining highly qualified professionals, among other points that contribute to the company’s standout in the market.

The main differential of the department at BLOOM GENETICS is to provide an open channel of communication between all parts of the company. In this way, the Human Resources department at BLOOM GENETICS is able to bring more results to the corporation, helping to achieve the goals of agribusiness.



A Bloom Genetics tem certificação ISO 9001 e garante a qualidade, procedência e efetividade de seus produtos.


Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento são componentes intrínsecos ao presente da Bloom Genetics, visando desenvolver patentes e produtos farmacológicos naturais, a partir da matéria-prima canábica. Para isso, a empresa conta com a parceria de uma das mais renomadas universidades da América Latina – a UNICAMP.

A Agência de Inovação da Unicamp, criada em 2003, vai auxiliar no licenciamento das inovações, identificação de produtos e processos patenteáveis e licenciáveis. O Parque Científico e Tecnológico da Unicamp envolve um conjunto de áreas para instalações dedicadas a abrigar competências científicas e tecnológicas e laboratórios de inovação, voltados para o desenvolvimento e execução de projetos de pesquisa financiados por instituições públicas e privadas.

A possibilidade de trabalhar em parceria com docentes, alunos e pesquisadores da Unicamp, reduz o risco em P&D e amplia capacidade de inovação.

A Bloom Genetics atualiza constantemente as tecnologias aplicadas a cada área da companhia: das fábricas e centros de pesquisa, que operam com o que há de mais moderno no mercado, até aos escritórios onde a tecnologia é ferramenta apoiadora da gestão.

Para isso, conta com o suporte externo de instituições acadêmicas, centros de pesquisa, empresas de biotecnologia e outras farmacêuticas como parceiras do mesmo objetivo.

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